Concentrators for solvent evaporation
Concentrators (nitrogen blowdown concentrators) are becoming increasingly used as an alternative to rotary evaporators and accelerate solvent evaporation by decreasing the partial vapour pressure of the solvent just above the surface of the liquid. The systems use a heated water bath or dry block heating with programmable temperatures and a nitrogen purge to provide high speed evaporation. The nitrogen purge and evaporated solvent are removed safely using either an integral exhaust system that can be connected to the laboratory extraction system or fume hood or can be used in a fume hood.
MultiVap 6
The MultiVap 6 is a basic, cost effective concentrator with 6 independent channels. The nitrogen flow rate of each channel can be adjusted independently and the flow needles can be adjusted up and down. The aluminium alloy heating block guarantees temperature uniformity for all samples.
- 6 samples up to 40ml with parallel concentration, option for 2ml vials
- Dry block heating technology with temperature range ambient to 120°C
- Dedicated nitrogen flow regulator per channel
- Adjustable height of needles for optimum evaporation
MultiVap 10
The new MultiVap 10 is an automatic parallel system with 10 independent channels. The system can evaporate to a solid state or concentrate into a fixed end-point volume. A compact solution compared to conventional rotary evaporators that can be used outside the fume hood due to the integrated vapour extraction system.
- 10 samples up to 200ml supports simultaneous operation with 50 and 200ml cups
- Liquid bath with temperature range ambient to 70°C
- Vortex nitrogen purge with adjustable location and direction of needles
- Digital nitrogen regulator to control nitrogen flow and evaporation speed
- Automatic detection of liquid endpoint with infrared sensors
- Touch screen control with alarm for endpoint of each evaporation sequence
MultiVap 64
The MultiVap 64 is a multi-channel and multifunctional parallel instrument with 64 channels. Optional racks offer concentration in a wide variety of vial types from 2ml GC vials up to 50ml vials. With an integrated vapour extraction facility, the system can be used outside the fume hood.
- 64 samples with 8 channels of 8 needles for individual or simultaneous operation
- Racks for 2ml, 10ml, 15ml, 40ml, and 50ml vials
- Liquid bath with temperature range ambient to 100°C
- Automatic adjustment of needle according to sample volume reduction
- Touch screen control with low-level liquid alarm
MultiVap 96
The MultiVap 96, designed for 96 well microplates for sample concentration with high throughput e.g. sample preparation in drug screening, hormone analysis, liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry. The system adopts the most advanced direct nitrogen heating technique so samples can be heated up quickly to the evaporation point.
- 96 samples with adjustable well plate holder height and auto lift up/down
- Temperature range ambient to 80°C
- Advanced direct nitrogen heating for improved heating times
- Nitrogen purge pressure and flowrate adjustable to requirements of the sample type
- 4 program methods
- Intuitive, touch screen terminal